261 research outputs found

    Une nouvelle technologie pour les échanges thermiques : le Nanofluide

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    Les nanofluides sont des solutions colloïdales composées de particules de taille nanométrique en suspension dans un liquide. Leurs propriétés thermiques étonnantes en ont fait l'objet d'intenses investigations durant la dernière décennie. On constate, notamment, une nette augmentation des échanges de chaleur qu'aucune phénoménologie ne permet encore d'expliquer de manière satisfaisante. Cette amélioration du transfert de chaleur fait donc des nanofluides une nouvelle technologie prometteuse dans le cadre des transferts thermiques, permettant d'améliorer les performances de divers échangeurs de chaleurs. Dans cette étude, on s'intéressera particulièrement à des solutions à base de nanotubes de carbone, qui ont montré une très bonne capacité à augmenter le coefficient de transfert de chaleur en convection forcée

    Continuous CaO/Ca(OH)2 Fluidized Bed Reactor for Energy Storage: First Experimental Results and Reactor Model Validation

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.6b04105Novel thermochemical energy storage systems that employ fluidized beds of CaO/Ca(OH)2 for hydration/dehydration reactions are under development because of the inherent advantages of the low cost of the materials and their relatively high temperature operation windows (450 °C–550 °C). We report in this work the results of the first steady state experiments conducted in a new pilot plant designed to test the concept under realistic reactor conditions. The pilot has a fluidized bed reactor with an internal diameter of 0.108 m and a height of 780 mm fed continuously with gas and solids as well as heat exchangers to supply/extract the required reaction heat. The experimental results during dynamic and steady state periods were fitted to a KL reactor bubbling bed model, using kinetic parameters from thermogravimetric studies and a single crossflow factor. The resulting continuous reactor model will serve as useful tool for the continued scaling up of this technology.Financial support provided by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program (StoRRe Project GA 282677) is acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Активація м’язів плечового пояса та плеча людини в перебігу двосуглобових рухів руки, що виконуються при дії зовнішніх навантажень протилежних напрямів

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    У дослідах на чотирьох добровольцях досліджувалася координація центральних рухових команд (ЦРК), що керували повільними двосуглобовими рухами руки в горизонтальній площині. Як кореляти інтенсивності таких команд розглядались поточні амплітуди ЕМГ, відведених від шести м’язів плечового пояса і плеча й підданих повному випрямленню та низькочастотній фільтрації. Зокрема, досліджували залежність координації ЦРК від напрямку зовнішньої сили, яка прикладалася до дистальної частини передпліччя. Як виявилося, координація ЦРК істотно залежить від напрямку сили, що згинає ліктьовий суглоб. Згідно з результатами дослідження, ЕМГ певних м’язів у разі виконання двосуглобового руху може бути представлена як лінійна комбінація ЕМГ, зареєстрованих у перебігу послідовних односуглобових рухів в умовах пересування референтної точки кисті в ту ж саму точку операційного простору, що й при двосуглобовому русі. Отримані дані можуть вважатися підтвердженням принципу суперпозиції елементарних ЦРК під час виконання складних рухів кінцівок

    Developmental and Tumor Angiogenesis Requires the Mitochondria-Shaping Protein Opa1

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    While endothelial cell (EC) function is influenced by mitochondrial metabolism, the role of mitochondrial dynamics in angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from existing vasculature, is unknown. Here we show that the inner mitochondrial membrane mitochondrial fusion protein optic atrophy 1 (OPA1) is required for angiogenesis. In response to angiogenic stimuli, OPA1 levels rapidly increase to limit nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cell (NFκB) signaling, ultimately allowing angiogenic genes expression and angiogenesis. Endothelial Opa1 is indeed required in an NFκB-dependent pathway essential for developmental and tumor angiogenesis, impacting tumor growth and metastatization. A first-in-class small molecule-specific OPA1 inhibitor confirms that EC Opa1 can be pharmacologically targeted to curtail tumor growth. Our data identify Opa1 as a crucial component of physiological and tumor angiogenesis

    Reference Group Choice and Antibiotic Resistance Outcomes

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    Two types of cohort studies examining patients infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) were contrasted, using different reference groups. Cases were compared to uninfected patients and patients infected with the corresponding, susceptible organism. VRE and MRSA were associated with adverse outcomes. The effect was greater when uninfected control patients were used

    Screening of protein kinase inhibitors identifies PKC inhibitors as inhibitors of osteoclastic acid secretion and bone resorption

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bone resorption is initiated by osteoclastic acidification of the resorption lacunae. This process is mediated by secretion of protons through the V-ATPase and chloride through the chloride antiporter ClC-7. To shed light on the intracellular signalling controlling extracellular acidification, we screened a protein kinase inhibitor library in human osteoclasts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human osteoclasts were generated from CD14+ monocytes. The effect of different kinase inhibitors on lysosomal acidification in human osteoclasts was investigated using acridine orange for different incubation times (45 minutes, 4 and 24 hours). The inhibitors were tested in an acid influx assay using microsomes isolated from human osteoclasts. Bone resorption by human osteoclasts on bone slices was measured by calcium release. Cell viability was measured using AlamarBlue.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 51 compounds investigated only few inhibitors were positive in both acidification and resorption assays. Rottlerin, GF109203X, Hypericin and Ro31-8220 inhibited acid influx in microsomes and bone resorption, while Sphingosine and Palmitoyl-DL-carnitine-Cl showed low levels of inhibition. Rottlerin inhibited lysosomal acidification in human osteoclasts potently.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, a group of inhibitors all indicated to inhibit PKC reduced acidification in human osteoclasts, and thereby bone resorption, indicating that acid secretion by osteoclasts may be specifically regulated by PKC in osteoclasts.</p

    Multilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis reveals multiple introductions in Spain of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. Pruni, the causal agent of bacterial spot disease of stone fruits and almond

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    Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni is the causal agent of the bacterial spot disease of stone fruits, almond and some ornamental Prunus species. In Spain it was first detected in 2002 and since then, several outbreaks have occurred in different regions affecting mainly Japanese plum, peach and almond, both in commercial orchards and nurseries. As the origin of the introduction(s) was unknown, we have assessed the genetic diversity of 239 X. arboricola pv. pruni strains collected from 11 Spanish provinces from 2002 to 2013 and 25 reference strains from international collections. We have developed an optimized multilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) scheme targeting 18 microsatellites and five minisatellites. A high discriminatory power was achieved since almost 50% of the Spanish strains were distinguishable, confirming the usefulness of this genotyping technique at small spatio-temporal scales. Spanish strains grouped in 18 genetic clusters (conservatively delineated so that each cluster contained haplotype networks linked by up to quadruple-locus variations). Furthermore, pairwise comparisons among populations from different provinces showed a strong genetic differentiation. Our results suggest multiple introductions of this pathogen in Spain and redistribution through contaminated nursery propagative plant material

    Intracranial Aneurysm Classifier Using Phenotypic Factors: An International Pooled Analysis

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    Intracranial aneurysms (IAs) are usually asymptomatic with a low risk of rupture, but consequences of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) are severe. Identifying IAs at risk of rupture has important clinical and socio-economic consequences. The goal of this study was to assess the effect of patient and IA characteristics on the likelihood of IA being diagnosed incidentally versus ruptured. Patients were recruited at 21 international centers. Seven phenotypic patient characteristics and three IA characteristics were recorded. The analyzed cohort included 7992 patients. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that: (1) IA location is the strongest factor associated with IA rupture status at diagnosis; (2) Risk factor awareness (hypertension, smoking) increases the likelihood of being diagnosed with unruptured IA; (3) Patients with ruptured IAs in high-risk locations tend to be older, and their IAs are smaller; (4) Smokers with ruptured IAs tend to be younger, and their IAs are larger; (5) Female patients with ruptured IAs tend to be older, and their IAs are smaller; (6) IA size and age at rupture correlate. The assessment of associations regarding patient and IA characteristics with IA rupture allows us to refine IA disease models and provide data to develop risk instruments for clinicians to support personalized decision-making